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Camp Details

Do you know a child that dreams of spending his or her days surrounded by animals? Send them to ZooCamp! Perfect for budding scientists, zoologists, explorers, artists, and kids that just love animals! Days are filled with crafts, hands-on and inquiry driven activities, encounters with wild animal ambassadors, and guided Zoo tours. Campers will be able to safely explore the natural world with their ZooCamp family!

Zoo Adventures Prices

  • Full Week (RWPZ Members): $361
  • Full Week (Non-Members): $386
  • Per Day – Winter Session Only (RWPZ Members): $76
  • Per Day – Winter Session Only (Non-Members): $86

ZooCamp Hours

  • Camp sessions run from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

See below for details on upcoming winter, spring and summer programs and for important registration information.

Zoo Adventures Camp Sessions:

Winter Adventures | February 17-21, 2025

Instead of keeping the kids inside during February school vacation, send them to Winter Adventures ZooCamp where your child will be engaged in a full day of crafts, hands-on and inquiry-driven activities, encounters with wild animal ambassadors and even bundled-up tours of the Zoo where each camper will get a chance to feed the goats in the Alex and Ani Farmyard. Please note: Only campers that attend all 5 days will receive a t-shirt.  Camp runs 8:15 am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday of February 17-21.

THEME: Jungle Journey

Escape the cold of a New England winter and join us on a trip to the rainforest!   We’ll explore the four layers of tropical rainforests, the animals that live there and how they survive.  Friday afternoon will feature a Jungle Jam in a rainforest built by ZooCampers out of recycled materials throughout the week.

OR you can register for individual days of winter break:

Spring Adventures | April 14-18, 2025
  • Shake off winter with a week filled with crafts, hands-on and inquiry-driven activities, encounters with wild animal ambassadors, and guided Zoo tours. Each Spring Adventures camper will get a ZooCamp t-shirt and the chance to feed the goats in the Alex and Ani Farmyard. Camp runs 8:15 am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday the week of April 14-18. 

THEME: All In The Family

Warm weather is on the way and with it often comes brand new little ones!  Growing up wild can be tough.  Some start out on their own, some with a little help from their parents, some with an extended family, and some with a whole community to look out for them. We’ll learn how baby animals survive and thrive in families of all kinds!    

REGISTER HERE for Spring Adventures >


Summer Adventures | June 16 – August 22, 2025

Perfect for budding scientists, zoologists, explorers, artists, and kids who just love animals! Days are filled with crafts, hands-on and inquiry-driven activities, encounters with wild animal ambassadors, and guided Zoo tours. Each Summer Adventures camper will get a ZooCamp t-shirt and a chance to feed the goats in the Alex and Ani Farmyard. Camp runs 8:15 am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.  

2025 Themes:

ODD WEEKS: Feeding Frenzy

It’s dinnertime!  With many different kinds of food come many different kinds of adaptations for eating.  Using beaks, toes, teeth, paws, big mouths and little mouths, the different ways that animals chow down at mealtimes are as fascinating as the animals themselves.  Elbows off the table, dude.  

EVEN WEEKS: Extreme Environments

Remarkable animals have adapted to live in the most extreme of environments – the dark, deep depths of oceans and caves, seemingly barren deserts and vast ice fields. We’ll travel to these unfamiliar worlds and take a close look at the animals that live there, how they survive and the clever ways scientists study the world’s most extreme environments.

2025 Dates: Weekly from June 16 – August 22.

REGISTER HERE – select your desired dates and register for summer camp.

Please note: Campers may be registered for one week of each theme for a maximum of one odd week and one even week. Registrations beyond this maximum will be canceled.

Important ZooCamp Information

Please Read Before Registering

  • Registration for Winter and Spring ZooCamps begins at 9:00 am on Wednesday, January 8th at Registration deadlines are two weeks prior to your desired week of camp, but camps may sell out prior to deadlines.  
  • Registration for all Summer ZooCamps begins at 9:00 am on Wednesday, February 5th at  Registration deadlines are two weeks prior to your desired week of camp, but camps may sell out prior to deadlines.  
  • Campers must be the minimum age of each camp at the time of attending camp. Requirements are not negotiable and are strictly enforced. RWP Zoo reserves the right to cancel your registration if your camper does not meet the minimum age requirement.  
  • Refunds, minus a $30.00 registration fee per camper, will be given through February 1, 2025, for Winter ZooCamps, April 1, 2025, for Spring ZooCamps, and June 1, 2025, for Summer ZooCamps. Absolutely no refunds will be given after these dates.  
  • $35 sibling discount applies to all full week ZooCamps. First registration at full price, $35 applied to each sibling thereafter. Siblings must be registered within the same account. 
  • Pre-paid lunch options for full-day campers are available. For $15.00/day, choose from Macaroni  and Cheese, Hot Dog, or a personal cheese pizza. All lunch options come with a side of applesauce, chips and a drink.  
  • For those parents that need a bit more time, we offer after camp care Monday – Friday from 3:30-5:30 for $100 per week. After Care can be added up to two weeks before your camp session.
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