Aldabra Tortoise
Geochelone giganteaGeographic Region: Aldabra Island, which is northeast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean
Isn’t it Wild? The Aldabra tortoise is the second largest tortoise in the world. The largest is the Galapagos tortoise.
Length: 4 ft.
Weight: 350 – 550 lbs.
tortoise chow, dandelion salad, beets, red peppers
Hasbro's Big Backyard
Exhibit information
Come play in Our Big Backyard! Hasbro’s Our Big Backyard is a fully accessible nature play and exploration area for all children and their families. The Our House area features an indoor activity space and Nature Swap, a special place to trade items that you’ve collected when out exploring in nature. The exhibit area is staffed by specially trained Play Partner volunteers to help you make the most of the Drip Drop Water Garden, Sticks & Stones Building Zone, and Creativity Corner. You can play giant musical instruments, guide a boat down a waterfall, or just relax in a hammock. Check out Beyond the Fence Naturescape where you can build forts, climb, swing on ropes, and get down in the dirt. Then make your way to the CVS Health All Kids Can Treehouse with even more things to explore – a giant color wheel, telescopes, a viewing beehive, and much more. Come play and explore as a family in Roger Williams Park Zoo’s own immersive nature play space.
Learn more about volunteering in Hasbro's Our Big Backyard >